Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Game Crazy

A friend of mine is turning 17 tomorrow and just got some birthday cash to spend. He decides that he's going to go down the street to Game Crazy and buy The Orange Box, which is rated T-M. The reason he chose to go to Game Crazy rather than buy it off Steam is because of his 20% discount card. When he brought the game to the counter the guy behind it asked for some i.d., which he presented without a word, fully expecting this one day difference to be disregarded. It wasn't. The guy flatout refused to sell it to him and told him to come back at midnight. Game Crazy isn't even open at midnight. He was a complete jerk about it. Not that it means anything, but apparently this guy was wearing a satchel and was heavily adorned in odd pins, such as one that said GANGSTA Nerd.

This wasn't Manhunt, Witcher, GTA, or anything politicians and mothers rave about. It was The Orange Box, a game that everyone should have.

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